Monday, 12 November 2018

Glenroy Pc1 Station Building Kit Bash Part 1

Glenroy Railway Station
Glenroy Railway Station is the last station before Tumbarumba. I guess what makes Glenroy unique is that is located on a Middle of a paddock and seems to have no real industry or significant population around its vicinity, which one would question if that station ever held any relevance at all.

Overlooking the area where Glenroy Railway Station once stood

It seems that the lack of relevance reflected on its lack of maintenance it receive compared to Rosewood, which had a Pc1Building like Glenroy but was located near a township. Basically, the pictures that I have sourced of Glenroy seem to have indicated that it only had one paint job during its production life, all of the roof capping and the finnels seem to have been removed or blasted apart from firearm target practice (my guess anyway) and facias for the awning have mostly fallen off.

I was originally was not going to include Glenroy in the may layout but decided to include it later on the planing stages as it does contain a siding, goods platform and that it would be good to add it as it was only a short distance away from a timber tressel bridge that I intend to include onto the layout. Furthermore, modelling Glenroy in the neglected state would be a new challenge for me to attempt.

Not Glenroy, but this Pc1 Station Shelter based at Bukalong is of the same standard as the the Pc1 that once stood at Glenroy.

Why am I not using the Pc1 Rail Central Kit in it's as is form?
Basically, Pc1 stations did get rolled out in different configurations. Some had a loading platform and entry at the back of the Building, whilst other Pc1's did not have the back entry. Some Pc1's had fan lights at the door entry, some didn't.

The Pc1 Rail Central Kit in its current configuration is a 15 Inch Concrete Panel Pc Building that has a Loading platform and a back entry with fan lights. Glenroy was not in that configuration. It had 1 entry into the Station Shelter Building and contained no fan lights.

Rail Central Pc2 and Pc1 kits. Various parts from each of these kits will be used for this kit bash exercise.

Kit Bashing lower part of Glenroy Pc1
Before I start going into the detailing of this kit bash project, I decided to use the Rail Central Pc1 and Pc2 as I do intend to do a project later on where I can use the parts that I do not need for Glenroy, but will be definitely intending to use the remaining parts left over for a future Pc2 Kit Bash Project. And I will be acquiring the parts needed from the Pc2 Kit that will be best suited for Glenroy. It is worth mentioning that I have used some of my left over from the Pc2 kit that cut up for the extension for my Tumbarumba Station Building for this kit bash project.

From the Pc1 Kit, I have removed the loading platform as Glenroy Pc1 did not have a back entry. I have kept the loading platform for a later project.

Carefully carved out the area where the loading platform and filed it flush with the existing groove that the walls will be placed into.

 This panel was what was left over from my Tumbramba Pc2+ Kit bash project. I decided to use that panel for this kit bash, though the panel from the Pc2 Kit that I will be extracting the entry from could  certainly be made used of. Any panels short, you can simply use styrene sheet with the panels etched into it to make walls as an alternative if needed.

 This is a bit of a retro fit to see if what I have cut out is on target.

From the Pc2 Kit, the shelter shed section has been extracted from the front panel of the kit. As mentioned earlier, no fan lights in the shelter shed component of the Rail Central Pc2 kit. 

 Some panel resizing work was needed.

Above picture is more of a retro fit practice to ensure that I have all the panels at the correct length before going into the final stages in gluing it together. Couple of points that need to be made, I have made use of a strip of styrene which helped correct the length for that panel. If cutting up panels and want to replace the area which you cut with a saw, then use the same thickness of styrene strip as the width of the cut that has been made to restore the length. Note: That I was given this advise from a fellow railway modeller.

You will also notices the this model is on copy of the original plan which I have copied and printed in  to HO scale to use as guide. The plan was sourced from the NSW ARHS Resource Centre Archives referred as Signal Drawing Y8. There is one for a Pc2 referenced as Signal Drawing Y7.

 Line markings where each of the concrete panels meets have drawn to prepare for the internal detailing which is not included in with the Pc1 kit.

Styrene strips representing the concrete panels have been glued onto the internal walls of this kit. These strips were cut to the correct width by us of a duplicator. By doing the internal detailing via this method is not just to make the inside of the model to look nice, but more importantly, the weak point where the panels that were cut up earlier and then glued onto another panel are eliminated, making the model less likely to fall apart or implode when handling it.

I acquired recently this angle clamp manufactured by Proses Model Railway Accessories call "Hold & Glue " Right Angle Holders. I decided to do the gluing of the side walls for as figured out that it will help place the front and back walls in the correct position later on.

Once the strips been glued, ensure that with a use of scribe or edge of a hobby file, etch in the grooves styrene extension in the panel. This should be done before gluing in the neighbouring panels. Where the styrene strip has been added, it has been lightly sanded (using sanding sticks) to get it flush with the original panel.

The back wall is just about completed.

The front wall of this model, I did not use any styrene strips to connect the panels that I cut into size.

Happy with how it is going so far.

I decided to go for a bit of detailing on the inside as this Model of Glenroy Pc1 as you will be able to see a bit of the inside of this model when it makes it place on the layout. By pure incident, as mentioned earlier, it has helped firm up the structure of this model, before placing the styrene detailing on the wall, joins where the panels were glued did flex. Once the wall detailing was completed, the flexing was eliminated.

Front all internal detailing eliminated.

Here are the corner post that have the groove in the centre. I have made these from 1.5 mm x 0.5 mm Styrene Strip sandwich in-between 2 mm x 0.75 mm Styrene strip.

Corner posts now glued to the modelled.

Corbels for the awning support have been manufactured and fixed to the model. More on how I manufactured the corbels will be found in part 2 in Glenroy Pc1 Station Building Kit Bash series of my blogs.

Internal detailing the base of the structure has been completed.

Main body of this Pc1 Kit has been completed, with the step added to the entry of the shelter shed.

Very happy with the progress of this model. Part 2 will move onto the construction of the roof section of Glenroy Pc1.

On a closing note, if you are wondering how my kit bash of my Tumbarumba Pc2+ building is progressing, I decided to put that project on the sideline just for the short term as I have been encountering issues in keeping some of the stilts attached to the base of the building. I'm sure I will find a solution for that challenge, but in the meantime I will complete Glenroy then work on solving that stilt issue with Tumbarumba Pc2+ building.

The corner of Tumbarumba Pc2+ that I am encountering the stilts detaching themselves off this structure.

1 comment:

  1. Peter

    Have you tried using MEK or Acetone to glue the piers (stilts) to the underside of the structure?

    Ray P
