Monday, 12 February 2018

Tumbarumba Station Building Kit Bash Part 6

Refocusing Back on the Kit Bash
My kit bash series of posts for Tumbarumba Station building took a bit of a break as I was wanted to cover other tasks that I had done over the 2016/2017 year.

In this post I would like to cover the remaining Kit Bash activity that I carried out back in 2017. Over the past few weeks, I have been getting back to this Kit Bash project with the aim to get mainly the external detailing completed and gradually get the internal detailing (such as the furniture and other internal detailing) completed more so at a later stage.

Awning Section of Tumbarumba Station
Following on from the last blog on my Kit Bash series, I cut into shape the Corrugated metal siding styrene sheet for the Awning. I selected to use the Styrene option as I do want to lift the roof off this model and have access to the internal detailing. For this to happen, I would require the roof section (including the awning) to be of robust construction to allow for handling.

Due to the length of the Station Building, I needed to acquire the large sheet of Corrugated metal siding styrene sheet that Evergreen had on offer.

When I acquire the Corrugated metal siding styrene sheet and cutout the required length, It was rather bent. I tried to straighten this out be heating up the styrene sheet which did help to a degree but it was still bent. Event having it flattened over under a heavy books over a week did little to straighten it.

The styrene Awning needs a bit of straightening up.

The solution for this issue was to do the following:
- Place in some angled strips of styrene and attached them to the styrene roof cavity supports. This should help in the having the back section of the corrugated metal siding styrene sheet to be kept straight.
- Place a brass strip in the front section of the corrugated metal siding styrene sheet to keep it in a straight form.

As shown in the following pictures that these two method worked well.

Awning Supports
The Awning Supports was another challenge that I came across.
As mentioned earlier, I do want to make the roof detectable. The challenge with having this option if it is not implemented correctly, it is prone to that the awning supports would be at high risk of breaking.

The solution for this issue was to make the awning supports to be attached to the building structure to act more as detailing and take advantage of what was applied for the roof (which is now self supported). Therefore they do not need to carry any of the weight from the roof section. The awning supports will help guide the roof section back into position each time when it is reattached to the station building.

I made use of the Greg Edwards Data sheet to construct the awning supports.

The awning supports were attached to the model. After a few test with removing and reattaching the roof section, the risk of the awning supports failing was determined to be very low risk.

Detailing the Roof Section

I decided to draw up some 3D printouts for the Roof Capping and the Finnels. The roof capping and the Finnels will be one of the last items to be attached to the roof section. But needed to make sure that these 3D Printouts fitted without any issues to the roof.

I decided to use the Northeastern Scale Lumber Co. 5 / Bag HOCORRMRFB "HO" SCALE CORR METAL RF 1 1/2" X 8" just to give the awning a bit more of an authentic look to it. It did fit in well with the existing corrugated metal siding styrene sheet. I used a product called ZAP GOO PT-12. It is a very thick glue, but I find it does the job well in keeping the Northeastern Scale Lumber Corrugated sheeting stuck to the Styrene.

Facias were added to the ends of the roof section.

I also added detailing for the rafters.

My next Post will continue on with this Kit Bash Project.


  1. Nice work Peter! This station building is going to look awesome when it is complete. Sometimes finding ways around problems yields a better result than if there were none! Keep the updates coming.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Phillip.
