Sunday, 16 December 2018

Glenroy Pc1 Station Building Kit Bash Part 2

Pc1 Roof Section
In this post I will be mainly focused on the construction of the roof section. As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, there were low pitch and a high pitch roof variation of the Pc Buildings.

For Glenroy Pc1 it is a high pitch with the Fibro Tiled roof variation.

A 3d Printed Jig of the Pc High Pitched Roof

3D Printed Jig

Late last year, I did some 3d Drawings and thought to do a Jig for the Pc High Pitched Roof. The aim of this exercise was mainly reduce the amount of wasted material that would be discarded if the cutting up the profile of a particular item was not correct. 

I have also included in the jig for the awning support and the Corbels (which I produced in my last post).

I went overboard with including the frame work of the gable jig. The reason I decided to do the framework was allow for the option of the frame work to be exposed for a rundown version of a Pc Building.

Certainly it has done its job well in reducing the wasted material, making effective use of the limited time I have spare with railway modelling. This 3d printed Jig was done in strong and flex materials (I think Shapeways calls it something different now). This 3d printed material does not react to the MEK. This means the Styrene can be MEK whilst in the Jig.

I will not be putting this Jig on the market as it is not that user friendly plus the recent pricing for printouts from Shapeways are high to make it worthwhile. Glad that I got this one printed out before the pricing increases.

Construction of the Roof Section
As always, I shall let the pictures do the explaining.

To sum up the overall build, as simple as it looks, building this roof structure was a challenge. In fact if I did not do the internal Framework it would have been a bit more simple to build. But I have managed to get it completed to better than what I expected result.

The final part will be to get the minor details completed and get the painting and the weathering completed.